Grady Keane Farris

Life Story
Grady Keane Farris was born on January 2, 1993, and was a special soul from the start. At two days old, he had the compassion to sleep through the night for his parents and never stopped doing that; and he continued to be a joyful, playful, curious, and loving boy throughout his childhood.
As a young man, Grady discovered just how talented he was with a camera. Winning three awards for photojournalism in high school, he decided to pursue higher education in photography. Although he never finished school, he spent the rest of his life either with a camera or his phone, capturing the beauty he saw all around him and sharing it with his family and friends. A gifted musician from the age of 15, when his brother Kent introduced him to the acoustic guitar, Grady never stopped playing and eventually began composing his own music with what he liked to call a Midwest emo vibe. And he left behind so much beautiful music for all of us to enjoy, to relax to, to heal to.
Healing became Grady's purpose and focus the last few years of his life. He found his own healing in gorgeous California where he pursued opportunities to help others who were struggling, like he was. Whether he helped others with his unique aromatic candles, through his sound healing sessions, or simply by being a faithful and empathetic friend, he provided hope and peace for so many people. And he found his greatest joy in this, in helping others who were in any type of pain. What a gift.
Grady radiated pure love and light his entire life. His light goes on to transcend space and time as he continues to touch the spirits of his large family and vast amount of friends scattered across the country. He took his last breath on July 5, 2023, but left so many people feeling his loving presence, which will be forever felt. Thank you, Grady Keane.
Guest Book
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